Faucethub.io Closed? Expresscrypto.io is Open With Many Faucets ...
ExpressCrypto is a good alternative to FaucetHub
So... What is FaucetHub? Yeah...
What is ExpressCrypto?
You can make your own faucet and let your users claim from it and they get their earnings in ExpressCrypto.
You can do surveys/offerwalls and get your earnings in ExpressCrypto.
You can claim from faucets and get your earnings in ExpressCrypto.
You can chat with other crypto nerds.
and so much more!
Available Crypto Coins
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bytecoin, Dash, DigiByte, Dogecoin, Ethereum, EX-Gold, EX-Silver, Lisk, Litecoin, Monero, Neo, Peercoin, Potcoin, Ripple, Stratis, Tron, Waves, Zcash and there coming more.
There is so much things I have not talked about here, so I recomend register on their website and check it out self