
უცნაური მუსილაკური საკრავი ინტრუმენტები...

Рояль, ca. 1840. Wood, various materials

Клавесин, ca. 1675. Rome, Italy. Wood, various materials

Mayuri (peacock), 19th century. India. Wood, parchment, metal, feathers

Ocarina, 12th–15th century. Colombia; Tairona. Ceramic

Погремушка, 19th century. Alaska; Sitka. Wood, pigment

Raven Rattle, 19th century. Skidegate, British Columbia; Haida. Cedar, pebbles, polychrome

Rebab or rabab, 19th century. Algeria. Wood, parchment, metal, ivory, leather

Regal, 1575. Nuremberg, Germany. Wood, metal

Spinetta with Case, 1540. Venice, Italy. Wood and various other materials

Suzu, 17th century. Miwa, Nara Prefecture, Japan. Wood, metal

Chegah-Skah-Hdah, 19th century. Sioux, Plain States. Wood, metal, leather

Trumpet Call Harmonica, ca. 1915

Saùng-Gauk, 19th century

Harp Guitar, ca. 1915

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